Umbrella Insurance

Vanza McEntee Umbrella Insurance Policies and Services

Umbrella Insurance

Vanza McEntee offers a wide range of Umbrella policies and services from a wide range of Insurance Companies. This allows us to offer you the best coverage at the best price no matter what your umbrella insurance needs.

Umbrella insurance is there to protect you if you are liable for something big. Similar to an umbrella, it is there to fill in coverage caps that you may have from your other insurance policies. Personal Umbrella Liability is one of the most commonly overlooked policies, but in the case of a catastrophic financial event, it could be the best line of defense you will ever have. If you are involved in a major auto accident or if someone gets injured on your property, you could be sued for damages well beyond the liability coverage provided by your Home and Auto Insurance policies. Umbrella Insurance can protect your assets if the unforeseen happens.

We strive to exceed your expectations and provide service with a human touch. Every umbrella policy is different, so get what’s right for yours. Vanza McEntee offers you a personalized experience and a customized policy, just right for your needs.